The seller can cancel the order before the item has been shipped (before shipping notification is sent) upon discussion with the customer.
Click here for FAQ on how to cancel.
When canceling the order, you will need to select the "Reason for Cancellation", so please refer to the following and select the correct reason for cancellation.
*If there is a discrepancy between the reason for cancellation you chose and the order details, or if we suspect that you have made a false selection, we may contact you for confirmation.
*Depending on the reason for cancellation and the details of the order, the BUYMA may make suggestions or consult with you.
Reasons for Cancellation and Examples
▶︎ Out of stock : Unable to purchase the goods
- The item is sold out, out of stock, or no longer available.
- Misdescription of item information (price, description, etc.
▶︎ Other order : For re-purchase
- The customer informed that the coupon had not been used, and seller had to ask the customer to place a new order with the coupon.
- Reordering of the item with a change in price (including discounts)*, shipping method, quantity, etc., with the consent of the customer.
▶︎ Customer issue : Requests at the convenience of the customer, erroneous orders, miscommunication, etc.
- The customer ordered a size or color that was not listed in the item information.
- The customer ordered a size or color that was not available, even though it was clearly stated in the item information that it was not available.
- The customer requested to cancel the order for his/her own reason.
- The customer did not reply to your inquiry, and you were unable to proceed with the purchase.
Note: The following reasons cannot be selected.
When there was no inquiry from the customer to confirm the inventory in advance and the ordered item was sold out.
→ Please select "Out of stock : The item could not be purchased".
If the seller proposed different conditions (price, country of purchase, expected shipping date, color/size, etc.) and the customer did not accept the proposal.
→ Please select "Supplier issue".
▶︎ Language issue :
- When you are unable to communicate with the customer.
▶︎ Supplier issue :
- No agreement was obtained to change the planned supplier or price.
- The item could not be delivered within the original delivery timeframe.
- The item could not be prepared due to a problem at the supplier (missing items, defects, etc.).
▶︎ Shipping issue :
- The order was from / to a country that the seller cannot ship.
- The item could not be imported due to restrictions in the destination country.
▶︎ Out of resource:
Out of resource: Lack of resources to engage in activities.
Request from the BUYMA office
The BUYMA office may request to cancel the order for some reason.
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