To prevent complaints due to the wrong size/color
When you receive an order, please reconfirm the order details with the customer.
→Prevent misunderstandings by the customer and insist on consent in the event of any problems.
Please be sure to update/describe item details, and explain in the message if there are any confusing details.
To prevent complaints of "I received a fake!
Please send the customer the copy of receipts of the purchased item and photos of the item at the time of inspection.
→If you send your item receipt and photos of the item at the time of purchase and inspection, customers may understand the item as genuine.
Receipt at the time of purchase: Please hide your personal information and the price of the item.
Photos at the time of inspection: BUYMA asks that sellers check at inspection before shipping if the item is the same as the uploaded item images, and taking photos would prove that the correct items are shipped in case of any problems.
Please keep these two in a safe place until the order is completed.
To prevent problems with customs duties
Explain in advance the possibility of customs duties being incurred and customer obligation to pay them!
→This will prevent problems with customers when customs duties are incurred, and allow the seller to claim that you have provided sufficient explanation in the event of a problem.
To prevent receiving an unjustified refund request
If you receive a request from a customer for any of the following, please understand the risks involved and either decline the request or take responsibility for the decision.
- Change of address after the order has been placed
- Specifying the name or price of an item in the customs declaration
There are risks associated with changing the contents of an order or declaring a different item from what was actually ordered.
In the unlikely event that the customer files a petition for invalidation of the order through the payment company, the probability of a "Order invalidation" ruling in favor of the customer's claim will be greatly increased if the payment company determines that the order was changed after the order was placed, and that "the order details and the details of your arrangement differ".
If a "order invalidation" decision is made, a full refund will be issued immediately to the customer and the order will be canceled.
Under Value
Furthermore, manipulation of declared prices on invoices, or so-called undervaluing, constitutes false declaration and is subject to fraud and penalties as an international rule.
When you receive a request, please tell the customer that you will list the package at the actual price, as you cannot accept a false declaration (undervalue).
We understand that there may be requests for simple changes or for non-malicious reasons such as reducing customs duties, but if the seller takes the above actions, BUYMA cannot be held responsible and will not be able to provide support in the event of a problem.
For practical information regarding declaration and customs documents, please contact the shipping company or specialized agency directly.
Related FAQs: Change of shipping address after ordering
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we would appreciate your cooperation in preventing problems and reducing the risk to sellers.
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