As a general rule, your order CANNOT be canceled after placing the order except for the following cases:
◆Shipping deadline has expired
If the seller fails to ship the ordered item out before the shipping deadline
(within 18 days after the order has been placed), Your order will be canceled out automatically
◆The item is out of stock
Sellers buy an item after an order has been placed and they do NOT have any stock, so there is a case that the item is out of stock.
In this case, the seller should contact the customer immediately to notify them and cancel the order.
◆Order issue
Please understand that BUYMA may also cancel an order if we suspect the item doesn't meet BUYMA's Item Quality Standards or if either of the two Members are not complying with BUYMA's rules.
*If we suspect the customer and seller to be using BUYMA's message system to coordinate a transaction outside of BUYMA in an attempt to avoid BUYMA surcharges, BUYMA may cancel the order and both Members' accounts could be suspended.
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