First of all, double-check your order's status in "Order History" which can be found in your account menu.
Please log in and click here.
if your status is.........
Order Placed
This means that your seller is now preparing for purchasing/shipping the ordered item.
Usually, the sellers have up to 18 days(from the day that order has been confirmed) to prepare for shipping the item out, and once the item is shipped out, you will be notified of the tracking information by your seller.
Item Shipping
This means your item is on the way.
However, if you find the tracking status is not updated, please follow the below.
- If your item is held at the customs clearance
Typically, a customs clearance takes 1 to 10 days, however, there are times when it can take several days or weeks for goods to be inspected.
You may contact your delivery company to check more details.
*The customs import/export duties, VAT, or other taxes may apply upon the delivery, which are the responsibility of the customer. You may need to pay them in order to process the custom clearance. - If your tracking number is not updated
We would suggest contacting the delivery company.
This means your package is "delivered".
However, if you have not received your package, there is the possibility that your package was lost or stolen.
In the unfortunate event that your package was lost or stolen during transit, please double check on your package's whereabouts thoroughly with the postal service immediately and contact your seller!
*Please note that if you choose Signature release or misdirect the delivery details to delivery company for your shipment, it is not within our or sellers liability to cover your loss.
If your package has shipping insurance, you may be able to be reimbursed for all or partial amounts of your package's declared value.
If your package has been stolen, we suggest you submit a claim to your local police about the theft and see if they can further assist with your situation.
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